
About Us

PR Domain is a multi-platform media service provider specialising in press release copywriting, distribution and media coverage monitoring.

PR Domain provides press release copywriting, distribution and media coverage monitoring. Press releases are sent out to all the national broadcast media, online and print for publication. We also publish press releases on our website, as well as on our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ and StumbleUpon pages.

Should the press release be intended for international consumption, we target media outlets in the designated overseas market/s.

If you have already drafted your own press release but you feel that there is room for improvement, you need to have it proofread, or you want to obtain maximum media exposure, send it to us and we will take the job from there. Submitting your press release is easy. Send it to us via the online form.

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– other events such as conferences, seminars and training courses/workshops

Contact us for more information.